From the Depths of Thyme
FROM THE DEPTHS OF THYME is divided into eight categories: Cosmic; Passion and love; Relationship challenges; 12 step issues; Humor and satire; Political commentary; Haiku; Death, grief and loss.
After a near-death experience at 5 years old, I became a psychic, visionary, healer, and an empath. These are some of my favorite writings. I feel as though I soar through a loving universe on wings of gold light when I reread them. ”Remembering” is about past lives. There’s a cosmic poem which, after debating with myself, I decided to include in the relationship challenges section (“The healing at El Sanctuario de Chimayo”).
Passion and Love
I adore men, seek relationships with men, while I feel intense passion and love for a select few. I dedicate these poems to those special men, while using poetry to work through issues that arise. Like Addo Annie from the musical Oklahoma, “kissing is my favorite food.”
Relationship challenges
Relationship challenges are universal, sweet and melancholy. I grow, evolve and learn within relationships, particularly those with men. I’m also a practicing astrologer so I combine poetry with astrology to understand tough transitions.
12 Step issues
I have been a member of 12-step programs for over 30 years. I find that poetry is an outlet for my own and others’ grief, anger, and suffering, as well as to celebrate the success of 12-step programs.
Humor and Satire
My humor tends towards witty, pun-y, dark, and satirical. I published a few of these poems on Feh! A Journal of Odious Poetry, which gave me an outlet for my silliness.
Political commentary
I’ve been a political activist, humanist, and survivalist, writing my own political daily blog for a few years, and being a guest writer on Collapsenet.com. I save friends from listening to my ranting by writing political poems.
I took a haiku class in 2013. In my opinion, haiku reduces poetry to a simple form. “Upon Arising” is another haiku, but I put it in the passion and love section instead.
Death, grief and loss
I'm a Scorpio, a Plutonian and a psychic, as well a lifelong member of Al-Anon (friends and family of alcoholics), ACA (adult children of alcoholics and dysfunctional families), and Survivors of Incest Anonymous. I have experienced grief and loss, abandonment, shame, and death.